Welcome to Supply and Demand Chain Executive's 2021 December issue, and the last one of the year. We've made a lot of moves and changes this year, and I mean "we" in both the sense of the team here at the magazine and the supply chain and logistics industry.
2020 was a very rough year, and the consumers' eyes were opened to more of the supply chain than ever before. But then 2021 came, and it became even worse. The gaps are now exposed and they cannot be undone.
So while we've had a rough two years, and it likely is not going away in 2022, this next year is the year for rebuilding.
In this December we cover quite a bit of sustainability in the supply chains, as it is our Green Supply Chain award, but the way it is discussed is unlike ever before. As I mention in the cover story, sustainability no longer focuses on environmentalism. And while many companies admitted to putting sustainability actions on the back burner during the continued crisis and pandemic, the current issues set the stage for transformation on a large scale. Yes, it is true that larger companies are better poised to make large sweeping changes in sustainability and operations and small businesses owners need more time. But I believe the industry will come together in a strong way to fix these massive gaps.
So for now as consumers, we must be patient with our groceries, goods, deliveries, etc. and as supply chain leaders we must think to the future of how we can make a difference.
Check out the rest of this month's issue for more on these subjects and how we can rebuild!