Preparing for a New Era of Supply Chain Management

Register now for today's 10 a.m. CST session with John Dell'Arciprete, director, supply assurance, IBM, to talk supply chain insights, challenges and lessons learned.

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Supply chain management has become one of the most critical business functions in today’s supply chains. Whether it’s to gain demand volatility, forecast supply constraints, overcome shortages or curb rising costs, today’s companies are looking for ways to radically improve their supply chain operations.

Today, I’ll be sitting down with John Dell'Arciprete, director, supply assurance, IBM, in a roundtable discussion presented by Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), to talk supply chain insights, challenges and lessons learned.

We’ll also reflect on the last two years of supply chain disruptions, and detail digital transformation journeys, new opportunities, implementing newer technologies and more.

Register now for today’s session, 10 a.m. CST, to save your seat, and get prepared for the new era of supply chain management.

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