Insurtech MGA Loadsure launched “DanubeTM - Dynamic Ocean Cargo Insurance” and “HuronTM” an industry-first digital ocean cargo and stock throughput insurance product.
“We’re very pleased to unveil Danube and Huron. Loadsure was founded to make insurance efficient for the entire supply chain; by enabling the middle market with these new products we’re empowering insurance brokers to better serve importers/exporters, manufacturers, distributors and retailers, who need to protect their businesses,” says Loadsure CEO and founder Johnny McCord.
From Insurtech Insights:
- Both tools enable brokers to quote cost-effective annual cover to their clients with unprecedented speed, utilizing historical and real-time data to accurately price risk.
- The tools are accessible through Loadsure’s intuitive digital portal, provide data-powered quotes within minutes and its dynamic rating model ensures competitive, sustainable pricing.
- Other features include all-risk coverage for goods and merchandise in transit or at storage facilities up to $10 million per conveyance and up to $10 million in limits for named storage locations, including coverage for catastrophic perils; door-to-door protection from physical loss or damage, including Acts of God, loading damage, flooding, fire, roof collapse and theft; no minimum premium; and flexible payment terms.