SAN DIEGO, CA January 22, 2001 Alliances, alliances, and more alliances. In the latest alliance news, Perfect, a strategic sourcing platform provider, announced a co-marketing relationship with Entrust Technologies, an e-business security provider. Perfect views aligning with a security provider as a strategic move, as it provides Web-based encryption, authentication and certificate management capabilities to customers conducting negotiations and transactions.
In the world of the connected commerce, it's no secret that data security has become a CEO-level issue for many companies, said Kevin Surace, president and CEO of Perfect. When you use the network to create and maintain relationships with customers, suppliers and partners, companies should be thinking about those relationships not in terms of trust, but in terms of the risks that you're willing to accept. We look forward to working with Entrust Technologies to help address our customers' needs and concerns.
We are excited to welcome Perfect as an Entrust Alliance co-marketing member, said Paul Doscher, executive vice president of marketing and business development at Entrust. Entrust recognizes the differing needs of diverse organizations wishing to work with Entrust and tap into its expertise in bringing trusted e-business solutions to companies around the world.