Milinx Business Group Inc. has been chosen by Farmroots Inc. to create and host a vertical-market portal (vortal) site that will deliver Web-based applications exclusively for the North American agricultural community. is a consortium of farm advisors, associations and agribusinesses dedicated to improving farm productivity and profitability. Their goal is to become the leading Internet resource for farmers across the continent. The Farmroots vortal will provide agricultural advice as well as Milinx Web-delivered software for communications, productivity and e-commerce.
Farmroots has signed a vortal development contract with Milinx valued at over half a million dollars with provisions for future upgrades and product additions to the vortal. Farmroots will benefit from Milinx offerings including vortal design, application hosting and private labeling, integration, quality assurance, content sourcing and hosting are all in-house.
Farmroots will not incur the hardware and upkeep costs associated with operating an information technology (IT) department and the upkeep of a major back-end system. The vortal, its content and software applications will all be securely hosted by Milinx and delivered to subscribers via the Internet. This means that Farmroots will be able to securely administer its vortal through a Web browser anywhere. will have links and contact numbers for one-to-one advice in many areas including management, finance, taxes, estate planning, trade, and family, all of which is intended to improve the farmer's bottom line. This service will be facilitated by computer-to-computer phone calls using voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) technology, offering substantial savings over regular long distance costs anywhere in the world. will also offer information and proprietary databases dealing with industry segments, suppliers, markets, associations, regulations, and innovations.