Chief Customer Officer USA 2017

January 30, 2017
February 1, 2017

The inaugural Chief Customer Officer USAƂ  will launch in Miami from January 31st to February 1st 2017 and is a Conference for Senior Customer Experience Professionals to Mature and develop the Chief Customer Officer road-map within an organization.

CCOs and senior customer experience professionals will discover the most critical challenges and opportunities regarding the implementation of an enterprise-wide customer-centric approach throughout their supply chain.

Validate and empower your strategic roadmap with customer experience case studies from: Mastercard, Amtrak, Travelers, Verizon Fios, Philips Healthcare and Eversource Energy.

Network with over 100 CCOs and senior customer experience of professionals over the course of a discussion-focused agenda and establish lasting relationships which go beyond the scope of the conference.

Personalize your event experience by choosing from a range of concurrent discussion groups and an additional half-day Masterclass from Jeanne Bliss on the advancing the Chief Customer Officer Role by exploring the strategies involved to demonstrate the value in customer experience investment.