SMi's Clinical Trial Logistics conference returns, on May ?21 and 22, 2014 in London, for its eighth year. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology businesses from across the globe will be meeting to help understand how to negotiate the latest challenges in clinical trial transportation, storage and recruitment in clinical trials. Senior professionals will have the opportunity to network with peers and colleagues to develop and forge the new relationships that will accelerate your clinical trials. The efficiency of your supply chain is vital for clinical trials. Navigating the hurdles of trial logistics enables clinical trials to move through the stages to commercialization. Without efficient monitoring and temperature control in the supply chain, the efficacy of the products cannot be guaranteed. This leading conference offers delegates the opportunities to navigate the latest changes to GDP guidelines, their applicability, time and temperature management, and working with logistical and research partners.
Clinical Trial Logistics
May 21, 2014
May 22, 2014
United Kingdom
Phone:+44 (0) 20 7827 6014