Too Brands Deploying Supply Chain Technology to Support Growth

Retailer selects Jesta's SCM solutions for purchase order lifecycle management and inventory control

Retailer selects Jesta's SCM solutions for purchase order lifecycle management and inventory control

New York, NY — January 16, 2006 — Apparel retailer Too Brands is set to implement a supply chain solution from Jesta I.S. for purchase order lifecycle management and inventory control as the company builds a technology platform to support its anticipated growth.

A specialty retailer for young girl's apparel operating 575 Limited Too stores in 46 states and Puerto Rico, as well as 92 Justice stores across the U.S. market, Too Brands will implement the Jesta I.S. Vision Merchandising and Vision SCM solutions.

The retailer expects Vision Merchandising to be its foundation and the processing power behind its retail operations. Vision Merchandising provides retailers with real-time inventory levels across the enterprise and will be integrated with Too Brands current systems, according to the solution provider.

Jesta said its solutions will enable Too Brands to quickly determine the status and location of its goods, be it on order, in transit, in warehouse or in store. Vision Merchandising will track Too Brand's inventory movement including sales, receipts, transfers and returns to vendor (RTVs) at the lowest level of detail, style/color/size/dimension and location in retail and cost dollars, the solution provider said.

"Our primary goal in choosing the Vision solutions was to meet our anticipated growth while also ensuring that our systems integrate easily and share a common technology platform," said John Moore, senior vice president and chief information officer for Too Brands. "Finding an organization that could also provide us with the tools to better control our business and offer the potential to later integrate additional systems for our sourcing department is a great benefit and a perfect fit for Too."

Jesta said that Vision Merchandising will allow Too Brands to manage inventory for its nearly 700 stores. Jesta's Vision Merchandising, built on Oracle technology, will significantly automate daily processes as well as provide a central "hub" linking all of Too Brands systems.

In conjunction with Vision Merchandising, Vision SCM's Vision Tracking module will provide Too Brands with the visibility to monitor its business processes, including purchase order lifecycle management and the various steps in the production paths of its goods, according to Jesta.

As production quantities, deadlines, delivery dates or any other scheduled date changes, Vision Tracking transfers the new dates and quantities to Vision Merchandising while also generating an alert via e-mail, based on user-defined parameters. Too Brands can thus become proactive and achieve better control over its inventory and supply chain processes, Jesta said.

Jesta's other customers in the retail and apparel sectors include Perry Ellis, Town Shoes Limited, UNIONBAY, Haggar Clothing and Maidenform, among others.

Additional Articles of Interest

— Leading crafts company Creativity Inc. has found that, with a bit of trust and a lot of teamwork, a little consulting can go a long way in addressing supply chain pain points. Read more in "Crafting Success in Supply Chain Transformation," cover story in the December 2005/January 2006 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.

— The focus in the retail sector has shifted from managing the movement of goods to managing information about goods. Read more in "Ramping Up the Retail Supply Chain," in the February/March 2005 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.

— Forecasting is not an isolated activity but must become part of an overall set of demand management practices. Supply chain thought-leader Ann Grackin describes the practices that your firm should be developing to improve business performance in "Sensing the Future: Next-generation Practices in Demand Management," in the December 2005/January 2006 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.
