Monitoring and Controlling Asynchronous Web Services

OASIS standards consortium begins work on protocol to accommodate latency between request for resource and its return

OASIS standards consortium begins work on protocol to accommodate latency between request for resource and its return

Boston, MA — November 10, 2003 — Members of the OASIS international standards consortium have begun work on a specification to enable the control and monitoring of asynchronous or long-running Web services.

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards is a not-for-profit, global consortium working to drive the development, convergence and adoption of e-business standards.

The OASIS Asynchronous Service Access Protocol (ASAP) Technical Committee is developing an extension of the World Wide Web Consortium's Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) that will accommodate latency between the request for a resource or service and its actual return. ASAP is applicable for areas as diverse as workflow, business process management, e-commerce, data mining and mobile wireless devices.

"Not all services are instantaneous, especially when transactions involve human intervention or approval," said Jeffrey Ricker, chair of the OASIS ASAP Technical Committee. "Probably the biggest breakthrough ASAP can offer is the ability to treat manual processes as Web services. Mass integration need no longer be held hostage by the weakest link. Mass integration can proceed without waiting for full automation of every process in every organization."

OASIS ASAP Technical Committee members include representatives of Computer Associates, DataPower, Fujitsu and others. Participation remains open to organizations and individuals, and OASIS provides mechanisms for public review and comment.

"ASAP represents a simple but critical component of Web services," noted Karl Best, vice president of OASIS. "Technical Committee members intend to incorporate full compatibility between ASAP and both the ebXML Message Services OASIS Standard and the OASIS Web Services Reliable Messaging specification to ensure the accurate delivery of transactions."

"Asynchronous communication among Web services is critical to both the simplification of enterprise application integration and the facilitation of next-generation business models," said Gavenraj Sodhi, eTrust product manager at Computer Associates.

"The ultimate killer app of the Internet is e-mail, and it is not an accident that it is completely asynchronous," said Eugene Kuznetsov, chairman and chief technology officer at DataPower. "Pervasive enterprise-grade XML web services will require protocols to work the same way that enterprise apps do — asynchronously, reliably and securely. We believe the OASIS ASAP effort can deliver a simple, pragmatic solution for DataPower customers deploying XML-aware networks."
