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Survey to shed light on trends in supply strategies, spend analysis

Survey to shed light on trends in supply strategies, spend analysis

Alexandria, VA  November 21, 2003  A new survey being conducted by Capital Consulting & Management Inc. (CCMI), in conjunction with Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazine, is set to give supply and demand chain leaders a look at current trends in procurement and strategic sourcing, with an emphasis on supply strategies and spend analysis.

CCMI develops and implements supply chain process improvements at such companies as Amgen, General Electric, Lucent Technologies and Zenith Electronics. The consultancy recently completed an air cargo quality survey in conjunction with the International Logistics Quality Institute (ILQI).

In its latest survey, the consultancy is focusing on the collection and use of information on current spending levels and patterns within a company, by category, by item, by user location and by supplier to help support development and execution of supply strategies.

Respondents to the survey will receive a copy of survey results, and Supply & Demand Chain Executive will be reporting on the results of the survey upon its completion.

The published results will aggregate individual responses, and no individual respondents or companies will be identified. Readers of Supply & Demand Chain Executive can participate in the survey at the following Web address:
