How Explosive Popularity of AI and LLMs Impact Application Security

ChatGPT’s API has been used in 900 npm and PyPi packages across diverse problem domains, with 75% of those being brand new packages.

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As modern software development increasingly adopts distributed architectures and microservices alongside third party and open source components, a report from Endor Labs tracks the popularity of ChatGPT’s API, how current large language model (LLM)-based AI platforms are unable to accurately classify malware risk in most cases and how almost half of all applications make no calls at all to security-sensitive APIs in their code base.

“The fact that there’s been such a rapid expansion of new technologies related to artificial intelligence, and that these capabilities are being integrated into so many other applications, is truly remarkable—but it’s equally important to monitor the risks they bring with them,” says Henrik Plate, lead security researcher at Endor Labs Station9. “These advances can cause considerable harm if the packages selected introduce malware and other risks to the software supply chain. This report offers an early look into this critical function, just as early adopters of matching security protocols will benefit most from these capabilities.”


From Endor Labs:

●     Existing LLM technologies still can’t be used to reliably assist in malware detection and scale. In fact, they accurately classify malware risk in barely 5% of all cases. They have value in manual workflows, but will likely never be fully reliable in autonomous workflows. That’s because they can’t be trained to recognize novel approaches, such as those derived through LLM recommendations.

●      45% of applications have no calls to security-sensitive APIs in their code base, but that number actually drops to 5% when dependencies are included. Organizations routinely underestimate risk when they don’t analyze their use of such APIs through open source dependencies.

●      Even though 71% of typical Java application code is from open source components, applications use only 12% of imported code. Vulnerabilities in unused code are rarely exploitable; organizations can eliminate or de-prioritize 60% of remediation work with reliable insights into which code is reachable throughout an application.

  • ChatGPT’s API has been used in 900 npm and PyPi packages across diverse problem domains, with 75% of those being brand new packages. 