AppleCompany DetailsContacthttps://apple.comArticles & NewsAI/ARApple Puts a Hold on iPhone XR ProductionDemand for Apple's latest iPhone was less than expected, forcing the company to tell assemblers to lower its production lines.E-Commerce SolutionsApple Uses Google's Cloud for iCloudApple is using Google's cloud to store iCloud users' data.AI/ARApples Partners with GE to Bring Industrial IoT Apps to iPhone, iPadOne example of an app that could be developed would be a tool that notifies workers of potential problems with specific equipment in the field.ManufacturingApple Invests in U.S. Manufacturing Jobs with $1 Billion FundApple will dedicate resources to American job creation with a $1 billion fund to invest in advanced manufacturing.Supply Chain VisibilityApprise Software Expands Into Seoul, KoreaERP Provider brings services to region's consumer goods industryProducts & Press ReleasesSustainabilityApple Expands Renewable Energy Footprint in EuropeApple announced it will invest in the construction of two of the world’s largest onshore wind turbines, a source of clean, renewable energy that will bring its supply chain and products one step closer to carbon neutrality.Request More InformationFill out the form below to request more information about Apple