Hackett Group Launches New Global Manufacturing Study

Designed to assess whether inflationary pressures are driving manufacturing out of China, India, and other low-cost countries

Miami—Aug. 29, 2011—The Hackett Group has launched a study to determine the affect of inflationary pressures on manufacturing in low-cost countries.

 Hackett's  2011 Supply Chain Optimization Performance is designed to get answers to questions such as:

  • What impact are rapidly changing cost drivers having on manufacturers?
  • What strategies are manufacturers using to offset these costs?
  • Are manufacturers bringing production closer to customer markets?
  • What are the critical success factors for optimizing the supply chain footprint?

The study is open until Sept. 16, at no cost to participants. Study participants will receive a research report and an exclusive invitation to a presentation of key research findings. Responses from individual participants will remain completely confidential and will be used only in combination with those of other study respondents to develop a composite picture.

The study is available online at: http://www.thehackettgroup.com/studies/sco2011-hpn/
