A Few Good Procurements

U.S. Marine Corps uses ProcureNet to source Chemical Agent Monitor upgrades.

Great River, N.Y.  November 28, 2000  The U.S. Marine Corps and Battelle have named ProcureNet as the supplier of record on a $2.7 million order to upgrade Chemical Agent Monitors (CAMs) at the Marine Corps Logistics Base in Albany, Ga.

Under the prime supplier contract, ProcureNet will source, on a spot basis, services to upgrade 1,600 CAMs coordinated through the Marine Corps Logistics base in Albany, Ga. Batelle is the prime supplier on the Marine Corps contract.

ProcureNet provides supply chain management and logistics support to the Marine Corps and Battelle for anti-terrorist activities that involve chemical and biological attacks. Under the terms of a five-year agreement, Battelle utilizes ProcureNet's OneSource business solution to create an Internet platform that provides support to the Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) in Albany, Ga.

"We are very pleased to be working with the Marine Corps and Battelle on this contract, building on our ongoing work with the U.S. Department of Defense," said Reuven Battat, CEO of ProcureNet.

ProcureNet's flagship product suite, OneSource, integrates Web-based procurement applications, global buying portals, and value-added purchasing services. The company recently received the Hammer Award from Vice President Al Gore's National Performance Review for helping DOD employees reduce inventory and cut costs.

ProcureNet is headquartered in Great River, N.Y. and has 250 employees. The company provides solutions to more than 125 public and private sector organizations.

Battelle, one of the world's leading providers of technology development services for industry and government, focuses on technology development, technology commercialization and laboratory management.
