It's a Matter of Understanding

Auto industry holds meeting of the e-minds

It looks like the automotive industry is setting the standard for manufacturers once again. Top level e-business and telematics executives from Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, General Motors, Ford, DaimlerChrysler, Volvo, Citroen, Dana, Covisint and Motorola will meet at the EyeForAuto Asia show later this month to discuss key e-business issues for the Asian automotive market.

At the international forum the brass will exchange ideas on the coming impact of the Internet on their industry. Specifically, they plan to explore the e-supply chain, e-CRM, telematics and the role of the online exchanges.

Sooner or later, marketplaces will provide a wide range of tools and services for customers and suppliers, according to Jung-Kook Paeng, senior vice president and CIO of Hyundai. "It is a matter of understanding the supply chain and the customer value in the Asian automotive industry," said Paeng.
