At Your Service

Servigistics expands service line

Marietta, Ga.  March 20, 2001  Servigistics, a provider of Web-based planning and forecasting solutions for service supply chain optimization, recently announced the addition of two new services that expand the availability of its core PartsPlan product. Servigistics now offers its product as a secure, scalable, complete hosting solution. For companies considering completely outsourcing their service parts planning, Servigistics also provides a turnkey solution with service and logistics planning support.

These two new delivery options provide customers with a range of choices when implementing Servigistics' software in their service parts operations. Companies can now improve customer satisfaction and reduce inventory costs while using the operational model most suitable for them.

Servigistics' hosting service, SureHost, provides a total information technology (IT) infrastructure for PartsPlan, its Web-based service parts planning solution. Installed at a secure, 24/7 facility, SureHost guarantees secure, production-level system capabilities for companies that want to expand their global service parts planning without a large impact on their IT staff. All associated IT support services, including hardware and database installation and maintenance, system backups, disaster recovery procedures, and application upgrades and support are packaged together for one monthly fee. With this service, users can access Servigistics PartsPlan over the Web from anywhere in the world to plan and optimize their service parts inventories.

Servigistics also offers a second option, SurePlan, for companies that prefer to outsource the inventory planning process and responsibilities. The Servigistics' support team consists of experts with service and logistics management experience in various Fortune 1000 companies. This support option offers a variety of services to manage a partial or entire parts planning operation, including demand forecasting, creating optimal stock plans, and determining optimal parts procurement, repair, replenishment, and rebalancing orders.
