Stamford, CT April 11, 2001 Ever gotten exercised about a topic and written a scathing letter to the editor, or to the complaint department of a business, and had the Twilight Zone-y feeling that you had just expended time and money on an endeavor as fruitless as Pauly Shore practicing an Oscar acceptance speech? Or maybe you've sat down at Starbucks to drink a double-mocha Paraguayan Blend Giga-Latte, picked up a business magazine and read about the launch of a business practice, one supposedly geared to you and your ilk, and thought, They're totally clueless. That's not what we need. We need compiling capabilities for the XQR Reports, not a mauve-themed spreadsheet.
Well, disenfranchised-feeling reader, here's a chance to have your voice well and truly heard. The consulting division of Gartner Inc today announced its current series of six multiclient-sponsored research studies on the technology marketplace. The studies will focus on application service providers (ASPs), convergence, electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM), wireless printing, Web spending, and information technology (IT) professional service exchanges.
"These studies are an opportunity for us to provide valuable insights, in a very meaningful and efficient manner, on critical issues that our clients are facing," said Madeline Hanewinckel, senior vice president of Gartner Consulting. "The findings of these surveys help clients define market dynamics, gather informative data on user needs and priorities, and assist in creating strategic business plans."
For more information on participating in the studies, please use the contact information under each study description.
Application Service Provision in the Asia Pacific Region (Asia/Pac)
By 2004, 124.3 million people in the Asia/Pac region will be online, according to Gartner. To be successful, vendors targeting the integrated ASP marketplace must understand users' functional needs and integration requirements. This multiclient study of more than 500 user organizations will characterize the ASP market dynamics in nine countries in the Asia/Pacific region, including Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan.
For more information about participating in the study, please contact Robert Finkeldey at 61-2-9459-4623.
According to Gartner Dataquest, more than 50 percent of enterprises are considering implementing a converged system between now and the end of 2004. This multiclient study will explore convergence issues and enterprise beliefs and plans, and will identify the critical success factors for gaining market advantage. The research in this study will include surveys of 500 enterprises in the United States and Canada, including more than five vertical segments and small, medium and large enterprises in the following verticals: financial, manufacturing, higher education, and healthcare.
For more information about participating in the study, please contact Victor Milligan at 978-323-6981.
Point solutions for e-sales, e-marketing, e-service, e-commerce and e-content have had great success. However, by early 2001, enterprises will sacrifice functionality for the benefits of integrated e-CRM offerings (0.7 probability), according to Gartner. Although e-CRM is important, enterprises must realize that traditional sales, marketing and customer service are not going away and must select e-CRM suites that fully integrate with existing front-office applications, advises Gartner. This multiclient study will characterize the dynamics of the e-CRM market and user requirements.
For more information about participating in the study, please contact Fred Landis at 408-468-8292.
Wireless Printing
According to Gartner, as workers and consumers increasingly rely on handheld devices to do business, they will need many of the same functions they now have, such as printing, over wireless networks. Handheld users will want to print out e-mails, transaction records, contacts and calendars, and so on. The objective of this multiclient study is to map the overall interest and market growth potential in wireless printing products and their relation to mobile device applications. The study will include 700 end user interviews from the United States, Europe and Japan.
For more information about participating in this study, please contact Rachna Ahlawat at 408-468-8507.
Web Spending and Return on Investment
According to a recent Gartner Dataquest survey on companies' Web-based initiatives, more than half of the respondents spent less than $50,000, while only 30 percent spent more than $250,000. The remaining 20 percent spent between $50,000 and $100,000. Yet these same companies believe their Web sites will eventually make them more profitable: 69 percent expect higher profitability within two years, 53 percent within one year. This multiclient study looks at customer-facing Web sites of large and mid-size companies to understand their changing e-business needs, spending patterns, and actual and projected return on their investments.
For more information about participating in this study, please contact Michael Isaac at 203-316-3268.
IT Professional Services Exchanges
Worldwide B2B Internet commerce is projected to total $8.5 trillion in 2005, and B2B exchanges are expected to grab a significant portion of that market value, according to Gartner. This multiclient study takes a thorough look at the requirements of the IT professional services exchange market. The research will establish the key market drivers for adoption, as well as the user experiences and business models that IT professional service exchanges must provide and exhibit to survive and compete effectively.
For further information about participating in this study, please contact Jodie Dalgleish at 415-924-9644.