Global Sales Ops

NetVendor releases sales collaboration software

Atlanta  May 30, 2001  Sell-side software supplier NetVendor today announced the release of NetVendor Sales Collaboration (NSC), software intended to streamline the sale of custom-engineered products via Web-based collaboration with customers.

Using NSC, suppliers can interact with their customers during the design phase of product development. Sean McCloskey, president and CEO of NetVendor said that NSC would allow suppliers to compress the time involved in responding to a design request and making engineering changes to products.

Atlanta-based NetVendor says that NSC, built on the NetVendor Collaborative Environment (NCE) technology platform, should give suppliers a competitive advantage by enabling them to reduce costs, increase sales and engineering productivity, shorten inquiry-to-delivery cycle times and increase overall manufacturing quality.

Michael Schmidt, information technology manager at Teradyne Connection Systems, agrees. "Collaboration products like the NetVendor Sales Collaboration solution will allow us to significantly improve our customer-specific product design process by providing a real-time, full-function collaboration capability," Schmidt said. "Design changes can be discussed, documented and approved using real-time on-line collaboration. We are confident that collaboration will improve the cycle time of approving new designs and implementing changes to existing designs."

NSC's collaborative capabilities include the ability to share product specifications and drawings in an environment that is accessible to groups separated by geography, time zones and disparate corporate technology. The software also provides for document distribution and control capabilities that give manufacturers the ability to offer their customers access to complex documentation, including large files and proprietary drawings.
