Test First, Enable Later

Automated testing and certification service said to aid supplier enablement

Dayton, OH  December 11, 2001  Large buying organizations looking to exchange electronic documents with small and midsize trading partners have a new option to consider today with the addition of automated testing and certification services to EDICT Systems' Hub & Spoke Marketing Program.

Advant-e Corp., parent company of EDICT, says the Hub & Spoke program is designed to assist large buyers of replenishable goods with maximizing the return on their existing investments in B2B, e-commerce/electronic data interchange (EC/EDI) technologies.

The company's testing and certification service consists of an automated, secure, Web-based system that allows a supplier to download sample electronic documents sent by customers for processing by the suppliers internal systems. Electronic documents that need to be sent to the customer can be uploaded and checked for compliance with such public standards as ANSI X12, as well as with customer-specific business rules, to ensure compliance with the customer's requirements.

In addition to the testing and certification services, the program includes supplier notification, customer-specific EC/EDI Web sites and a collaboration extranet.

"Historically, large companies have targeted their largest suppliers to support their electronic commerce supply chain initiatives ... due to the amount of effort and expense necessary to bring small and medium size suppliers into compliance," said Jason Wadzinski, president and CEO of Advant-e.

Wadzinski said his company's program would allow such large companies to establish greater numbers of electronic trading partnerships. "With the addition of automated testing and certification service to our Hub & Spoke offerings we have reduced the amount of time, effort and expense associated with ramping up supplier compliance by virtually eliminating errors in the electronic transactions sent by suppliers," he asserted.

Advant-e also announced that it had set up a dedicated support group for those of its clients who utilize the Hub & Spoke Marketing Program.
