Partnering for Supplier Integration

CoreHarbor to resell Vinimaya solution to tie suppliers into e-procurement systems

Tempe, AZ  August 23, 2002  e-Commerce services provider CoreHarbor is set to resell a supplier integration solution from Vinimaya in a bid to provide a means for companies to rapidly integrate multiple suppliers into e-procurement solutions.

CoreHarbor will resell Vinimaya's ViniSyndicate Supplier Integration System application, which serves to integrate suppliers into e-procurement and enterprise resource systems such as Airba's Buyer system.

Vinimaya said that ViniSyndicate eliminates the need for costly, time-consuming punchouts, data transformation and other catalog management and integration services, and that the system will integrate product and catalog data into a buying organization's e-commerce platform without requiring extensive information technology resources from suppliers.

The two providers' first joint customer is Sunoco, for whom CoreHarbor hosts and manages an Ariba Buyer solution. Over time Sunoco determined that a single aggregated catalog with a consistent look and feel would better meet end users' needs and encourage user adoption.

Sunoco selected ViniSyndicate to expedite integration of supplier catalogs and to attain aggregated catalog functionality compatible with its existing Ariba Buyer solution, and CoreHarbor worked with Vinimaya to implement the solution, with CoreHarbor hosting and maintaining the application.
