Sarvega Releases Benchmark

Measures XML validation performance

Chicago, IL  November 4, 2002  Sarvega Inc., a provider of XML switching solutions, announced today that it is making publicly available a benchmark that measures eXtensible Markup Language (XML) validation performance.

The company said XML validation compares an XML document with a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema, ensuring that invalid or malicious data is detected before any damage occurs. However, because there have been no comprehensive studies comparing the performance of various parsing and validation processors based on a common methodology, Sarvega's response was to release its XML Validation Benchmark Study. It assesses popular XML processors in the area of XML validation.

"With the increasing deployment of XML-based applications, we are seeing that application architects need comprehensive tools for measuring the different XML acceleration functions. Until now, the focus has been on transformation. However, given the critical role validation plays in XML acceleration, we developed this benchmark and are putting it in the public domain," said Girish Juneja, co-founder and vice president of engineering of Sarvega.

According to the company, the benchmark compares the performance of XML parsing and validation to give architects a standard methodology and rationale that will help them choose a processor that is suitable for their XML parsing and validation requirements. Sarvega said it compared validation performance for both Java and C/C++ processors. Additionally, Sarvega used a relative performance comparison technique across all benchmark tests to avoid a disproportionate effect of a particular test on a processor's performance.

Sarvega said the study used six tests based on real-world methodology, incorporating tests that are publicly available and real-world XML documents. It is focused on applications such as XML switching in corporate networks and XML processing offload.

It also offers a fully described rationale for the approach and an explanation of the issues, so the results can be interpreted, validated and used to aid in architecting XML-based applications.

"Validation is a critical element to XML acceleration and we believe that this effort has resulted in a benchmark that will greatly help application architects as they develop scalable infrastructures that can support XML processing," said Coumara Radja, principal architect and manager, XML Engineering Group at Sarvega.
