Alenia Spazio Chooses Lilly

Italian aerospace company taps enterprise solution for managing production processes

Hampton, NH  January 21, 2003  Italian aerospace company Alenia Spazio is set to go live with VISUAL Enterprise from Lilly Software for managing, planning and scheduling its production processes as the company seeks to retain its edge in a competitive market.

Alenia Spazio, part of Finmeccanica Group, is a leading European aerospace company, working on telecommunications, telecontrol, orbiting infrastructures and scientific satellites. With revenues in excess of $500 million, the company employs about 3,000 people.

Giuseppe Maione, IT manager for production and logistic processes at Alenia Spazio, said that with the aerospace industry becoming more and more competitive and complex, on-time delivery and accurate cost control are now fundamental factors for surviving in the market.

To meet those challenges, Alenia Spazio opted to upgrade its enterprise technology infrastructure. After a year of searching and evaluating several software packages, it selected Lilly's extended enterprise system for manufacturers, distributed by the Italian Lilly Software associate, Praxis Calcolo.

Under the agreement, Praxis Calcolo will implement Lily's VISUAL Enterprise at the aerospace manufacturer's Italian sites, including integrating all the plant activities, from material planning to internal and external resources scheduling, as well as purchase requisition, data collection and quality documentation. The agreement also includes integrating VISUAL Enterprise with Alenia Spazio's other strategic software systems.

"VISUAL Enterprise gives us a strong integration ground, which will allow us, thanks to its wide functionality, to substitute all of our plant legacy software," Maione said.

Enrico Colombo, VISUAL Enterprise business unit manager within Praxis Calcolo, said that Alenia Spazio would go live with VISUAL Enterprise at the first plant in late January. "We will be rolling out the system in the other plants in the second quarter of 2003," Colombo added.
