FBO Rolls out New Dashboard App

Web-based solution aims to make key performance indicator-based management a reality

Web-based solution aims to make key performance indicator-based management a reality

Atlanta — September 17, 2004 — Atlanta-based FBO Systems has rolled out a Web-based dashboard solution designed to make key performance indicator (KPI)-based management a reality.

FBO said that its MLS Dashboard solution offers a Web-based executive information system that transforms raw critical data into visually depicted trends, financial impacts and other pertinent enterprise information on the user's desktop.

"The new product makes accurate details on purchase and inventory transactions, equipment performance, operational hot spots, trends and performance metrics at any level of the organization available at a click," the solution provider said in announcing the application.

Despite the industry-acknowledged benefits of KPIs, developing these indicators is often a challenge for any business, according to FBO. First, it requires access to information that is typically not available. Even when they are at hand, data are frequently inconsistent since each plant and department approaches them differently. Therefore, this information has to be mapped into a standard package that compares "apples to apples," a project that can take a tremendous amount of time and energy to assimilate, particular when the information is old. In a regulatory environment where Sarbanes-Oxley compliance requires 48-hour notification on changes in business, this can spell disaster, FBO warns.

The solution provider said it has already invested the knowledge, expertise and effort to define a series of more than 150 KPIs and performance metrics that address equipment reliability and financial analysis, and has translated the applicable management information into visual interactive reports, graphs and charts. This "snap shot" positions data as they relate to overall trends within a manufacturing plant and throughout the enterprise.

Even more detailed information can be obtained by "drilling down" into the data. FBO said that MLS Dashboard accommodates multiple drill-downs for more specific data and hyperlinks to the MLS database to display individual purchase orders, work orders, transactions and other source documents.

FBO is a provider of enterprise asset management (EAM) products and professional services. The 15-year-old company said it utilizes software and consulting services to assist clients in integrating plant maintenance and maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) supply chain activities into their manufacturing processes.